M&A Services

M&A Advisory
Selection of Target Companies

We search for target companies among listed and unlisted companies that align with the buyer's management strategy.

Through our FA network in each country, we identify suitable target candidates and negotiate with potential target companies to assess their suitability as acquisition targets.
Scheme Selection

After consulting with experts, we consider the optimal scheme (stock acquisition, business transfer, joint venture, etc.) that meets the acquisition conditions.
Contract Conclusion Support

We support negotiations between buyers and sellers, review contracts in cooperation with local lawyers, and provide support until the conclusion of a contract.

General Process Adjustment

We proceed with transactions in cross-border M&A through our global network, compiling opinions from external experts and coordinating stakeholders to guide the transaction to completion.

M&A and Corporate
Support in Japan
A Sophisticated Market

Japan is the 3rd ranking GDP in the world. Japan's GDP is about 500 trillion yen. 52 companies out of the "Fortune Global 500" have their HQ in Japan.
Business-Friendly Infrastructure

Japan's business infrastructure was highly rated in the World Economic Forum's "The Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017." Japan was ranked in the 2nd in "The Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017."Japan was evaluated on business network and quality of company operation/strategy.

A Comfortable Living

Japan is a country where you can live safely and pleasantly. Japan is famous as a safe and peaceful country. In the "Global Peace Index 2016",Japan was ranked in 1st in asia. And also in the "Safe Cities Index 2015",Tokyo was raked in the 1st and Osaka was ranked in the 3rd among major 50 cities in the world

Typical Market
Research Methods
Descriptive Research

Examines numerical values such as market overview, size, occupancy rate, growth rate, customer rate, and sales volume using the Internet and secondary information.
Exploratory Research

Investigates non-public information through reanalysis of publicly available information, interviews, and questionnaires to discover business opportunities.
Causal Research

Examines the cause and effect of business planning issues, using models to perform analytical research.

Due Diligence/
Due Diligence

We identify and evaluate various risk factors related to M&A transactions in advance through detailed investigation, helping buyers verify corporate value, reduce acquisition prices, and improve negotiating positions.

We evaluate corporate value using the market approach, income approach, and cost approach, tailoring our methods to the actual conditions of each emerging country.

Market Research
What is Overseas Market Research?
About the Need to Do

We identify and evaluate various risk factors related to M&A transactions in advance through detailed investigation, helping buyers verify corporate value, reduce acquisition prices, and improve negotiating positions.
Our Global Reach & Business Areas
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